Sunday, February 15, 2009

Me of the Day

Mood: Disturbingly joyful

Reasons: It's sunny!! So sunny! Eeeee! And I'm growing a yam vine and it totally sprouted (I think a lot of people do this as kids...well, I did not. So...shut it.) And there are puppies!

Real reason: Too much caffiene and chocolate, expecting a crash around 1pm

Plans: Work. Always work. Also, various errands. Ooooh I should totally bike to work! Except I'm lazy...crap.

Things I've learned from staring at my uneven pupils all day: Your pupils are supposed to constrict equally (Google tells me so). So if you cover one eye with a (low powered) flashlight and watch your other pupil, then turn the flashlight on (or off), you can see your other pupil constrict like crazy. Weird stuff likes this makes my day. Possibly because I have a brain tumor.

Pet Peeve of the Day: Relationship statuses on facebook. Awkward. The sort of people who feel the need to announce to the whole world that they're single, or dating, or taking a break, are the exact same sort of people who then get back together (or break up...again) with the same damn person less than a week later...which totally negates the point except to make said person look flaky, and to make everyone else uncomfortable. Please, please, just stop.

Also: I like you, muffin.

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