Friday, September 11, 2009

Me of the Friday

Current mood: Angsty

Political Angst: I hate Stephen Harper. I Hate Stephen Harper. My god, I really hate Stephen Harper. His name may be spelled with a 'v', but I don't know, and I don't care, and I won't google his name to find out, such is the extent of my loathing. He is responsible for a government which I feel in no way represents my values or needs. He is responsible for a shocking array of budget cuts to essential services throughout the nation. He is responsible for my America-envy. That's right...Americenvy, a word which has never existed before, because there was no need, because as a Canadian I had never once experienced the possibility of being jealous of our neighbours to the South. Until they got Obama, and I got...Steve. Uft.

Renewed reason for this angst: the two minute commercial I just watched extolling the virtues of the latest tax break, which apparently has reversed everyone's economic woes and made Canadians everywhere smiley and proud, or at least that's the case for the twelve actors employed on this project. Brought to me (and you!) by the government of Canada. When I am queen of the world, such burning of money to fan the flames of my rage will be illegal. Soon.

Also disturbing: At least three of my coworkers have taken to complimenting me on my work ethic and ability, repeatedly, and (to my humble opinion) excessively. This makes me quite uncomfortable. I can only think of three possible reasons:

1. I'm doing a terrible job and am about to be fired, and coworkers are doing all that they can to soften the inevitable crushing blow.

2. They just like to give compliments, which means my coworkers are far better human beings than I will ever hope to be, and I will never, ever fit in. =(

3. God is about so send a really spectacular shit-storm, and the bleakness will be all the more dramatic is I'm sent a few compliments beforehand.

...My intuition tells me it's answer three.

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