Monday, September 7, 2009

Me of the Day

Current feeling: hungry, somewhat intoxicated by the not unpleasant, but likely brain-damaging aroma of nail polish remover (used liberally on fingernails almost an hour ago). Opening window is likely a good idea.

Life goal discovered in the last 24 hours: my desire to swim in bioluminescent waters (likely a lake or an ocean). I suspect it would be very pretty and fairy-tale-esque in a life affirming sort of way. Unless bioluminescent algae have flesh-eating tendencies, which I should probably look into. Hmmm. Life goal currently on hold.

Activities on this non-laborious Labour Day: Harvesting corn from garden (I grew corn! Real corn! In tiny, little cobs from tiny, little stalks!!), shovelling dog poo from back yard, in bare feet, even though I know that this is a very bad idea, and then marvelling that two small dogs (collective weight: 20 lbs) can produce enough poo that a shovel is required, repeatedly, ad nauseam (literally). Trying to read a book, trying to write, lamenting my inability to write since getting a full-time job, being distracted by editing large and glaring typos from old blog posts, reading old blog posts, enjoying old blog posts, and realizing that I can write, or at least could, back in the day when I wrote. Then I wondered if it’s self-centered and vain to admit enjoying my own writing, and decided that it is, but that most people would enjoy reading anything all about themselves and their puppies, and it just happens that the only thing written about me is my own blog. So, there…self. And…yes.

Plans for the immediate future: Eating aforementioned corn. Possibly baking cupcakes, though this will require going to the grocery store, which will require putting on shoes.

Amazing idea for others to act on, immediately: A cupcake delivery service operating in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Preferably one offering discount prices to those willing to extol virtues of said cupcakes delivery service in their personal blog, and specializing in gourmet chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and shiny pink sprinkles. It could be big. Think about it.



Anonymous said...

spelled "ciao"


Ivy Donegal said...

not in Spanish it's not :P