Friday, June 5, 2009

Me of the Day

Current mood: Sweaty

Totally amazing: I have successfully completed my year long mission of acquiring a small child to adore me and do my bidding, via the Big Sisters volunteer mentoring organization. This has taken three character references, a criminal records check, a ten page application, two information sessions, a three hour interview, and four months of waiting to be matched. She had better be the most amazing ten-year-old that ever was. (I suspect she will be.)

Also amazing: I have also achieved my longstanding goal of volunteering with my dog Toby, who was just hired as a puppy-visitor for the local cancer agency. (My other dog, Mustard, has yet to contribute to society.) Toby will be hanging out with people in various cancerous states and curing their illnesses through the power of puppy love.

Can cats cure cancer and improve quality of life, Crabigail?? I suspect that no, they cannot.

Latest arch nemesis: Aphids, ants, and aphid farms tended by ants on my sad little spinach plant (who was subsequently yellowed and droopy, and may not survive the ordeal). I no longer feel guilty about killing every single one of you tiny assholes, interspecies genocide or no.

Other news: Through a random scheduling mishap, I have over a week off, and am very, very, very bored. I am also poor. Suggestions for activities that are time consuming and moderately pleasurable are welcome, preferably they should not involve reading 'War and Peace,' as that does not sound fun to me.

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