Saturday, March 14, 2009


A Week's Worth of Monologues: Monday

Five ways of getting to my new job this morning which would have been faster, easier, and safer than taking transit:

1. Walking

2. Riding my bicycle, without skill or experience, through the snow-laden streets

3. Hitch-hiking

4. Looking up how to teleport online, building a teleportation device powered by aluminum foil and prayer, trying and failing to use said teleportation device, walking

5. Assembling a dog sled with my enthusiastic but untrained three puppies at the helm (net weight: 25 lbs) while a squirrel carrying a hot dog runs in the opposite direction.

The city of Vancouver announced today that it will be preventing people from driving cars during the 2010 Olympics on major thoroughfares, in the hopes that they will responsibly choose public transit instead.

Well…fuck you.

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