Thursday, March 5, 2009

Me of the Day

So Exciting: I just made hummus, and it is not horrible! I repeat - it is NOT horrible! And I made it! With my hands! Literally - I thought one of my roommates had a food processor, but it turns out she didn't, so instead I had to crush the chick peas by hand, and before that I boiled them from dried (because canned is less healthy!) and then after I added stuff and...NOT horrible!! It's the most exciting thing I've successfully not destroyed in ages.

Things I've Been Less Successful At Not Destroying Lately: Cecil the Lemon Tree, who is not looking so hot lately...and my Kefir project, who is...not. I don't know what's going on there, but it is not kefir, and it is not edible, and it may or may not have become poison.

Also Exciting: Tax returns!! I got money because I'm poor! I went to the tax place and the woman was nice and I signed a bunch of things and she got me a cheque and...well...that's pretty much it, but it was pretty much the highlight of my day, after the hummus. Free money!! That I already gave to the government and then they gave it back after a small percentage was taken away...see? Free Money! You make your own fun in this life...this is mine.

Coming Soon: Impending adulthood for which I am not prepared, in the form of working from 9am to 5pm next week at my new job. It's just training stuff...I'm not full time...but...9-5 from Monday to Grown Ups do. Grown Ups. Real Live People, people. I....I know that, legally, I am an adult. I can sign things (though I was signing stuff from the age of fourteen, because my parents didn't live together, so I just signed for whoever wasn't present and no one ever caught on)...anyways, I know that there are lots of people my age who have babies, and spouses, and mortgages, even. But I am not one of those people...and...OH GOD it terrifies me. I know that I will probably be fine, and I've probably passed bigger milestones than this before, but I feel oddly aware of this one. I may cry like the infant I am.

Peace Out, World...I'm going to eat cheesecake, am I suspect it will go well with the Hummus in my belly.

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