Sunday, March 1, 2009

Me of the Day

Mood: Meh. Earlier today, I had the distinct feeling that I had died at some point during the night, but that no one had bothered to let me know, so I was stuck going about my day despite the fact that felt, and looked like, and possibly was, the walking dead. It was not the happiest of feelings.

Most exciting story of the day: None...nothing of consequence whatsoever. Crap. Ummm.... I cleaned out the coffee machine which has been being used for at least 5 years and I'm pretty sure has never been cleaned before, to the point that I thought one of the rubber gasket (gasket? do...hicky?? thinger?) inside had a black plastic coating, but it turned out that the coating was just years of built up crap, and the rubber gasket was white underneath. Crazy.

Also: My roommate's tiny rat dog is staying with me for a couple of weeks, which is minorly exciting, in comparison to adventures of cleaning coffee machines. She is the tiniest dog that ever was; my dogs are chubby at 11lbs and considered a toy breed, and I worry they may eat her, or step on her, and she will die. I worry that I will step on her and she will die. In fact, I'm just worried that she will die, period, as watching anyone else's puppy comes with a lot of responsibility. And by puppy, I mean 'naked mole rat,' because that's a lot closer to what she is. Though - cute. In a teacup chihuahua rat dog sort of way.

Advice to others: Donate your damn socks. You have some - I know you do. Dryers eat an average of 27 single socks a year, each, which means that lots of people have a lot of single socks out there, and ugly socks, and socks you never wear any more. Well, those socks are very desperately needed at your local homeless shelter or drop in centre. My work has been completely out of socks for over a week now, and it sucks, and I don't have any more socks to give. So...please. Collect your damn socks, and donate them today, or in the very near future.

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