Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things I'm Growing

1. Contempt for humanity

2. My theoretical and probably fictional brain tumor, who deserves a name - I shall call him 'Alice,' or maybe 'Steve.'

3. Unspoken anger towards my boss - who today posted a job for an office position which pays a full $11/hour higher than my current rate of pay...while all of my front-line coworkers and I earn a wage significantly below industry standards with no potential for a raise. Our centre coordinator is only paid $3/hour more than me, in a salary which is so low that it guarantees that no one with appropriate skills is going to apply for the job...which further adds to the lack of support, and then my boss complains about how high our staff turnover is, which all leads to less support for the women we are desperately trying to serve...gahhh! Rage!

4. The size of my puppy's belly...but...he likes cheesecake...how can I say no to that face??

5. Two avocado seeds, in a bag, which have yet to sprout. I remain hopeful.

6. Cecil the Lemon Tree...but only if 'grow' can be loosely defined as 'fret over and hope you will not kill...please, live, Cecil, please.'

7. Kefir grains, which are not so much grains as clumps of Russian bacteria which turn milk into a thick, probiotic drink which tastes a little like yogurt and beer. It's my hippiest pursuit to date.

8. My yam vine, in a glass. She is a pretty yam vine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kefir tastes of battery acid.