Monday, May 2, 2011

This Vacation Has Given Me Time to Reflect, Decompose


I've had an entire week off of work, most of which I have squandered in terrible, terrible ways. Like sleep. And watching various remakes of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, followed by The Happening, which is both terrible and epically amazing. But mostly, sleep.

Which means my brain now resembles a large bowl of mashed potatoes, rather than a functioning, sophisticated organ that is supposed to produce sentient, um, apologies for that. My brain may turn back on later. For now, more sleep. Maybe coffee. Probably just sleep.

And in the meantime...I drew a pretty picture! And by "drew," I mean "copied and pasted off of the internet, and then edited, because that's how I roll."

click to make big if your eyes are not powered by laser beams

Dedicated to my brother, without whom most of you wouldn't be here. Also, without whom my childhood would have been a lot less exciting. It definitely would have involved fewer incidences of being chased around the house with a sharp knife. But that's a story for another day.


thefringthing said...

I read this blog before it was cool. *cracks a PBR and puts on a vinyl*

Donna said...

I used to chase my little brother around the house with knives too! He has long since forgiven me. I also stuck up for him when other kids bullied him, so maybe that helped. A little. I like your pretty picture.

______ said...

What can I say? Your blog has inspired me to page through my writer's notebook and pull out some tid-bits to share with the greater blogosphere.

Thanks for the writing :)

thehmsbeagle said...

I must say your blog brightens my day. Thank you for reinvigorating my faith that there are intelligent and enjoyable people (I infer your enjoyability from your writing) in this world.