Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Lady of Perpetual Diet Coke

At long last, a deity has been created in my image! Behold!

Actually, this was sent by an awesome friend, and is an image created by the just-discovered-but-amazing comic stylings of Natalie Dee, which include such classics as "Fuck yeah! Springtime!" and "I'm going to lick you, okay?"

Speaking of which, I think it's time for my bimonthly effort to quit diet coke. (Does bi-monthly mean once every two months, or twice a month? Or does it really matter? Is either less pathetic, when it's an addiction to a soft drink, and its been going on for eight years?)

My heart-burn is getting quite uncomfortable, and I worry about my poor abused teeth and effects of constantly dousing them in acid. I've tried brushing less often, so that I don't wear away softened enamel, but that makes me worry more about cavities and staining. Plus, coffee at work is really cheap, and coffee has more caffeine than diet coke, so theoretically I should be able to switch to coffee, save money, and drink less with the same effects...although, where will I get my daily aspartame requirements from?

But...seriously. Its only a matter of time before my bones start breaking from premature osteoporosis. Oh diet coke, you delicious silver-lined can full of happiness, why must you hurt my body so? Without you, I'll surely be forced to find another self-care quick-fix of instant comfort, refreshment, and happiness.

Oooh, you know what people say is good for that? Cigarettes. Right.

Coca-Cola is such a gateway drug.

1 comment:

thefringthing said...

Bimonthly = every two months
Semimonthly = twice a month

Note that the Natalie Dee/Married to the Sea artist is married to the Toothpaste for Dinner/Superpoop artist.

My advice would be to drink better pop (something with real sugar as opposed to aspartame, acesulfame-potassium, maltodextrin, or HFCS) and drink less of it.