Monday, March 1, 2010

Rambles of the Day

Quote, from the late and great Kurt Vonnegut: "To all aspiring writers just starting out: Don't use semicolons! They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing exactly nothing. All they do is suggest that you might have gone to college."

Reasons to Feel Good: I won a grant (for work, not for me, which in some ways is more awesome cause now I get to brag and still look money!), I finished reading an amazing book (the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, which blew my mind with its awesomeness), I felt so inspired by said book that I signed up to take a Spanish course, which I found out I can do for free (free!), I finished a giant work project and feel proud of said giant work project, my evil roommate moved out today, and I spent the afternoon in my garden killing grubs and planting peas.

Reasons to Feel Crappy: I banged my head really hard on an open cupboard while loading my dishwasher. It hurts.

And also...

Plastic terrifies me.

I know that when you hear ‘fear of plastic,’ it sounds like a particularly obscure and debilitating phobia. But this isn’t like fear of spiral notebokes, or fear of the number three. Plastic is scary shit.

Every day we produce thousands and thousands of tiny novelty plastic items which will never go away. Every day we keep pumping out more and more of this (literal) garbage which will never disappear. That toothbrush you just bought - that water bottle - that novelty waving Chinese cat - they will last forever. Forever! Doesn’t that terrify you?

...No? And I should probably see a psychiatrist?

Well I have news for you! Plastic IS scary, and I already see a psychiatrist. So, there.


Bren said...

Reading blogs at work woot! Can I borrow that book if you still have it? Also, would you like to have a dinner party when our sisters get here? If they are here at the same time? Will they be? Well...would you like to have a dinner party either way? Becuase I like food. And I like your blog. So it seems like an entertaining thing to do ^_^

Ivy Donegal said...

Absolutely, to either option! I like food too! =D