Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Actual Conversation



“If the Earth were about to be hit by an asteroid, and you were randomly selected by the government lottery to be saved on a spaceship which would be used to repopulate the human species on another planet, and you were allowed to take one family member with you on the spaceship, who would you take?”


“Would you choose one of us, or Auntie Shelagh, or Grammi....”

“No, I wouldn’t choose. That’s awful.”

“But if you didn’t choose, then that person you could have saved would die. In a nuclear winter.”

“That’s a terrible scenario. I couldn’t choose between my loved ones!”

“So, basically, one of us has to die, just so you don’t have a guilty conscience? That’s like murder by omission. That’s terrible!”

“Ugh. Whatever.”

...Parenting Annoying Children with High IQs


thefringthing said...

I cannot imagine your mother answering this question any other way.

Ivy Donegal said...

And yet, we actually got her to confirm (twice!) that my brother was her favourite. We all knew who she would take on that spaceship :P

thefringthing said...

That bodes well for me, given that it's a running joke how similar he and I are.

Anonymous said...

but... that is such a mean scenario! How would anyone answer that question??? :(

Anonymous said...

Erin, your words of cynical, sarcastically endearing wisdom will forever hold a place on my internet bookmarks toolbar.

Speakeasy's going great this year! We've averaged 4 drop-ins a month since school started. Hooray!

Our 2nd training weekend started today, and I just wanted to let you know that I am stealing your "Trivia Relay" game. Because it was epic. At least SOME good traditions should get passed onto future Speakeasy generations, right?

Your idea is officially written in Speakeasy history. Congrats.

How is real life going?

Anonymous said...

^ Vivian.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, did I say month? Eek. I meant WEEK. 4 drop-ins a WEEK. How awesome is that?

Sorry, very sleep deprived and excited. Somehow you're the first person I think of when I think Speakeasy. Hooray!