Sunday, June 7, 2009

Me of the Day

Current mood: Content, with a touch of itchiness

Greatest malady: My nose, which has become red and infected following the switching of my nose ring. My old ring was pretty and I'd worn it for almost a year - it was a small, silver stud, with a little blue stone. Last week, I lost the stone. This made me sad, but I replaced it with a little flower shaped black stud...and then I'd lost a stone from that one, too. I finally replaced the stud with a flimsy silver ring, and my nose sprouted an infection. ...My nose and I hate everything.

Also of interest: I currently have no roommates, which is an odd sensation. I like the space and the privacy, and my rent is exactly the same, which is always nice. But I have no one to blame if the house is looking messy, and thus have been forced into chores like toilet cleaning and dusting the top of the refrigerator (which hadn't been dusted in years). Cleaning toilets and refrigerators are not my favorite things.

Happy note: My bean poles have flowered, and several of the flowers are now sprouting actual pea pods. This is endlessly exciting, since the only thing I've been able to harvest from my garden has been strawberries (they were delicious). Eventually, I will drown in zucchinis, but in the meantime I would like my garden to get busy producing actual food.

Hmph. I want to go back to work. My life is boring and stupid.

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