Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me of the Day

Current Mood: Placid and Inanimate - the way I imagine a lump of grey plasticine must feel, or a sea sponge.

Current Fear: The Swine Flu Pandemic of Death, of course. Also, bald eagles. Their appearance on the horizon always makes me want to lock my puppies insides, lest the flying death raptors eat their fluffiness. This is actually my greatest fear in life.

Thoughts on Pandemic/Apocalypse: If we’re all going to die, could we please have a nicer sounding illness that Swine Flu? The Spanish Influenza was a classy sounding illness, as was Cholera. Even ‘the pox’ has a succinct, stalwart tone. I would have been proud to succumb to any of those horrible, disfiguring illnesses. Mexican Swine Flu…Not so much. I suggest we rename this illness, stat, before we’re all too dying to care.

And finally: I spent the entire day today thinking it was Wednesday. I made and canceled plans accordingly (and said "tomorrow, Thursday" at least twice). It is not in fact Wednesday, at all. I Fail. Fail, fail, fail.

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